
Sabtu, 16 Desember 2017


In linguistics, a speech act is an utterance defined in terms of a speaker's intention and the effect it has on a listener. Essentially, it is the actions which the speaker hopes to provoke in their audience. It means that when someone talking with the interlucutor, he/she not use word not only present information but also to carry out actions.
All speech acts as belonging to one of three categories: locutionary, illocutionary, or perlocutionary acts.
1.      Locutonary: it is take action to say something The act of locution contains a literal meaning.
·         "It's hot here", the meaning of its locus relates to the air temperature in that place.
·         "I am hungry" refers to the 'empty stomach and need to be filled', without intending to ask for food on someone.
2.      Illecutionary : it is making the speaker act in accordance with what he says. This action contains meaning related to social function.
·         It is hot here", the meaning of the focus may be a request to open the window.
·         when a husband says "It's almost seven o'clock." To his wife in the morning, here, it is not only giving information about time, also contains the act of reminding the wife that the husband should go to work immediately, so he want to breakfast. Therefore, the wife will answer "Yes baby, breakfast is ready soon”.

3.      Perlocutionary: doing an act by saying something.it have iimpact and there are feedback from interlucutor.
·         'I'm hungry', listeners react by offering food to speakers.
·         "It is hot here", based on a specific context (hot air, being in a room with windows and doors are closed), then the impact is the window will be opened wide by the interlucutor

Coorporation that means in communication people need to corporate with others. There are 4 types in coorporation, such as:
1.      Maxim of quality : it means every speaker must convey something true and based on clear evidence.
A: How many maxims of cooperation do Grice have?
B: According to Grice's book I read, there are four maxims in the principle of cooperation.
A: What's the maxim?
B: Maximize quantity, maxim of quality, relevance and maxim manner

2.      Maxim of quantity : it is required information only.
A. The blind man is a masseuse.
B The person who can not see it turns out to be a masseur.
In sentence (A) is considered to be more effective and efficient than (B) which adds things that are obvious and need not be explained again.

Another Example:
A: Rudi put on his raicoat, picked up his umbrella from the table near the door, turned off the lights, put out the cat, got ready for his ten-minute walk to the bus-stop
B: Rudi went out.
In sentence (A) is too long. Therefore, to express the same concept, sentence (B) is better used.

3.      Maxim of relevance : it means that speaker makes a relevant contribution to the topic subject.
A: There is somebody at the door
B: I'm in the bath.
In that sentence, When A tells B that someone is coming and hopes B to open the door for the guest, then B says that he was in the bathroom at the time. The Answer by B makes A to understand B condition is at that moment. And A will open the door.

4.      Maxim of Manner: it means that speaker is talking directly, not blur, not exaggerated and coherent.
A: Where is the original, Mas?
B: I am originally Purworejo, Mbak.
A: Ouch, I mean, where is my origins KTP Card?

The dialogue often occurs when (A) photocopy his KTP card at a photocopy place. After the ID card has been photocopied, (A) ask to employee for the original KTP by saying "Mas, where is it?" And it is misinterpreted by (B) because he thinks that (A) asks for his origins. it can be embarrassing moment for interlucutor.


Conversations are a series of speech acts: greetings, inquiries, congratulations, comments, invitations, requests, accusations. There are several kinds of conversations:
  1. Turn taking and pausing. It means that we are usually don't all talk at once. When we are talking about something maybe the interlucutor not focus or in other activities. So we need to repeat the topic or pause for a while. Ex:
A: Do you know about the accident last night?
B: (silent) typing massage on the phone
A: Can you hear me?
B: (put the phone)  I’m sorry? What are you say before?

  1. Adjacency Pairs . sometimes in a conversation there are must be:
a.       Question and answer;
b.      a invitation by an acceptance or an explanation of why it can't be accepted;
c.       an assessment/problem is followed by agreement or disagreement;
d.       an apology is followed by acknowledgement of the apology:
for example:
A: Sorry about last night!
B: No problem; we were all pretty tired.

  1. Opening Sequences  in the firstly meet we often to  greetings, ask general questions or comments about the weather, sports, etc.
A: Hi, do you like the music?
B: Yes, I do like

  1. Closing Sequences .
To closing the conversation, we can  summing up, using other locutions (Okay, all right then; well, that's about it; so umh; fine, then;

Respons by interlucutors: okay, goodbye then; okay bye; nice talkin' to you; see ya soon; thanks for calling/dropping by; good to see you! take care! 


Solidarity and Politeness

Since there is no precise rule for shifting from vous to tu, it is best to wait until the other person uses it to address you before you use it to address him or her. If you cannot judge who has ‘power’ or which proper conditions to use tu or vous, it is better to use politeness and wait until the other use ‘solidarity’. 
There two kinds that we need in sociolinguistics, such as:

Address Terms
Address by title alone is the least intimate form of address in that title usually designates ranks or occupations as in colonel, doctor, or waiter. Some language employ the kinship terms to use address terms. One of the other peculiarity systems of naming and addressing is giving a name to and address to the non-human like pets. Here, society in which a person’s status derives from the achievements, a few distinctions is made. 
Greeting explains that the word greeting refers to a word or phrase used to call and call the principals in a language event.The intended offender refers to the speaker, the opponent of the convent, as well as the person in question.The rules of alternation are rules related to how to greet. This rule relates to the use of a greeting form based on the factors that influence it. The factors are as follows:
a. Situations marked by status.
b. Rank.
c. Identity device.
The identity device refers to a degree in employment or an honors degree. The person who has the title can be addressed by mentioning the title only, such as doctor and pastor.

The rule of kookurensi is the rule of emergence with the form of a greeting with another form. Another form of language structure is appropriate in accordance with the word greeting used during the talks take place. For example, an employee who is talking to his superiors will use the sir form. Thus, during the course of the conversation, the employee will use a formal language.


In using a language, we use a device that the language employ to show certain relationship to other. We must use the language properly. We can demonstrate our feelings to other and our awareness of social controls. Such awareness is also shown through a general politeness in the use of language. It does not mean that we must always be polite. Oppositely, impoliteness may happen depends on the existence of standard or norms of politeness. Some languages have a complex rules of politeness, for instance, Javanese, one of the important language in Indonesia, is a language in which it is nearly impossible to say anything without indicating the social relationship between the speaker and the listener in terms of status and familiarity.



Ethnographic Communicationis an approach to analyze a discourse used. This approach focuses on various communicative competences in the speech communities
The interaction that takes place between a market trader and a buyer at any given time by using language as a communication tool is a speech event. The same thing happens and we find in discussions, in the lecture hall, office meetings in the office, court hearings, and so on.
It is related to the concept of speech events, Hymes suggests the factors that mark the occurrence of the event said. These factors are called the famous term as speech component. According to Hymes, there are about sixteen or seventeen speech components from which some components can be combined because they overlap. To facilitate how to remember the formulation or shortened by SPEAKING, such as:

Situation (Setting and Scene), refers to place

Participants, refers to people in communication area

 Ends, refers to the purpose

 Act Sequences, refers to formed word shape and content

 Key (Instruments), refers to intonation, strees, spirit when talking

 Instrumentalities (Tools) ,inculedes lisan or tulisan, by phone, etc

 Norms (Rules), Related to how to interrupt, how to ask questions, and so on

Genres (Form of discourse). Such as poetry, naration, pepatah, doa ,etc

What is speech events?
A speech event is an activity of linguistic interaction in one form of speech or more involving two parties, ie speakers and answering opponents, with a single subject, in time, place, and situation (Chaer, 2010: 47). In other words, it can not be said that in every communication process there must be also a speech event or a language event.

Example of Ends?
End happens when The speech occurring in the courtroom aims to resolve a case; but the participants in the speech event had a different purpose. The prosecutor wanted to prove the defendant's defendant, the defense tried to prove that the defendant was innocent, while the judge tried to make a fair decision.


Word and Culture

Words are formed to show meaning or any expression from someone to someone else. And culture are formed by people based on their behaviour, daily life, etc.
Word and Culture have strong relation. Because every culture especially in Indonesia has their own word or language.

It is a universal feature of language and an important in social organization. For example when a term like father, brother, or older brother is used in a kindship system. As social condotion change, we can expect kinship systems to change to reflect the new condition.

The term people use to describe color gives us another means of exploring the relationship between language and culture.
Based on that varieties sometimes we can not directly translate color word from one language to another without introducing subtle changes in meaning

It is how we applied social situation in which speexh occur. It will possible by lookin not only the concept are formed by culture but how we achieve our social competence in the use of language