
Rabu, 27 September 2017


Introduction Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguists is the study of the relationship between language and society. Sociolinguistics describes language in society, especially the differences or variations that someone does in using language. There are  two type of  Sociolinguistic:
-     Sociolinguistics: It’s main focus is “Society on Language”.that means formal language that is use depend on place or situation such as when students and the teacher at a class, they know to use polite language.
-     Sociology of Language: It’s main focus is “Languages effects on society”. It is the effect of society language. Time by time language has changes style, accent and etc. Such as  bahasa alay,gaul or slang)

Main Concepts in sociolinguistics
1.   Standard Language
It refers to mode of usage of most educated speakers of a language and established as the prestigious form of that language.
2)      Non Standard Language
It differs from Standard English at the level of grammar ( it does not follow the grammar or pronunciation rules of standard language ).
3)      Accent
It is a pattern or manner of pronunciation. Indonesia have many variation such as minangness, malayness, batakness, javaness. Each of them has different accent to speak. That is importan to us to know about their language. So, there is no compliment if happen miscommunication.
4)      Dialect
Dialect can be defined as standard language in business, education, and media.
5)      Jargon
Jargon is defined in relationship to a specific activity, profession, group, or event. Jargon: the language used by people who work in a particular area .for instance, the language used in a given profession (medical jargon, nautical jargon, etc.)
6)      Slang
It refers to the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speakers dialect or language. such as "passed away" for "died” .

1.      Why dialect and accent come in sociolinguistics?
Answer: because sociolinguistic is study language in society. For that, we identified language that spoken by someone to analyze. Who is she/he? Javaness or minangness, etc. And also in the other context such as the differences between educate peole or not educate people. So, that way dialect and accent as a main factor to sociolinguistic.

2.      Example of sociolinguistic and sociology of language?
A: hello mira, how are you? Do you have finished the task from mr. Harry?
B: hello too jeny, i’m fine, and you? yes, i have done .

Sociology of language:
A: Gerald, your shoes is KAM-SE-UPAY
B:  Iyuh, look your hair like a porcupine
From these example we assume that sociolinguistic is a formal between people that has standart norm. And sociology of language that refers to effect of new style in this modern era and usually its not formal.

3.      Perbedaan accent dan dialect?
accents associated with sound (pronunciation, 'song', pressure, 'how to take', tempo etc.) and dialects include accents + vocabulary + grammatical patterns.So, if between Indonesian people speak English and English / Americans / Australians speak English 'sounds different', it is a matter of accent (same as when there is a bule ngomong Indonesia that feels different if if people speak Indonesian).

While the following is more a matter of dialect,
Bagaimana ini? (bahasa Indonesia standar)
Macam mana? (dialek Sumatra Utara)
Gimana, sih? (dialek Jakarta)
Gimana, to? (dialek Jawa Tengah)