Phonology adalah cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang menggabungkan suara satu dengan suara dua yang memiliki arti, inilah yang membedakannya dengan Phonetics. Seperti sebelumnya kita telah tahu apa itu phonetics yang hanya mengeluarkan bunyi tanpa tahu apa artinya. Pada kesempatan ini teman-teman saya akan membahas tentang phonology yang mencakup tentang IPA (International Phonetics Alphabet)
There is a link about IPA and there are the pronounciation of word, you should open this link:
And and that is the table of IPA For youu...

The IPA can be helpful for studying a language, especially languages that use letters that are silent or have multiple pronunciations. The IPA uses a single symbol to desribe each sound in a language. If a letter in a word is silent, there will be no IPA symbol used in the transcriptions.
and the place we make it with:
1. Bilabial
(Bibir atas dan bawah bertemu)
/p/ as in "purse" and "rap"
/b/ as in "back" and "cab"
/m/ as in "mad" and "clam"
2. Labio-Dental
(Gigi atas dan bibir bawah bertemu)
/f/ as in "fro" and "calf"
/v/ as in "vine" and "have"

3. Dental
(lidah dengan bagian depan gigi atas bertemu)
/θ/ as is "thick" and "bath"
/ð/ as in "the" and "rather"

4. Alveolar
(Lidah menyentuh bagian belakang gigi atas)
/n/ as in "no" and "man"
/t/ as in "tab" and "rat"
/d/ as in "dip" and "bad"
/s/ as in "suit" and "bus"
/z/ as in "zit" and "jazz"
/l/ as in "luck" and "fully

5. Post-Alveolar
(lidah memblok aliran udara seperti /ʃ/ as in "shoot" or "brash" )
/ʒ/ as in "vision" or "measure"
/tʃ/ as in "chick" or "match"
/dʒ/ as in "jam" or "badge"
/j/ as in "yes" and "bayou"

7. Velar
(Lidah belakang menyentuh langit-langit bagian belakang.)
/k/ as in "kite" and "back"
/g/ as in "good" and "bug"
/w/ as in "wet" and "howard"

8. Glottal
(Tidak aktif menggunakan lidah dan bagian mulut lainnya).
/h/ as in "hi" and "Bahamas"

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