
Kamis, 16 November 2017



NIM    : 1588203014

1.       What is sociolinguistics?
Linguistics is the study of language in relation to social factors, including differences of regional, class, dialect, gender, etc.  There are  two type of  Sociolinguistic:
Firstly, formal language that is use depend on place or situation such as when students and the teacher at a class, they know to use polite language. Secondly,  It is the effect of society language. Time by time language has changes style, accent and etc. Such as  bahasa alay, gaul or slang.
 As we know, our cultur influence our language. For example In payakumbuh environment, people in society use minangness language. So many factor in society make us have varieties of language. When we are in the school we also learn how to talking to teacher, friends, senior, junior. The word choice is important when we are talking with people who older than us. So, sociolinguistic is tell about how we using language in society or how society influence our language. We can master so many language if we joined the another culture, social group,etc.

2.       Why do we learn sociolinguistics?
We learn linguistics because we need connection or interaction to people in society.  So many benefits if we are in society. We know the each meaning of word in various region, and we will be easy to communicate with someone new. We can adapt with them by learn new word of their language. We know the trends of language by another people. we can be more understand  about using a language, variation of languages caused some factors, such as social level, age, gender, regional, and etc. we get knowledge about sociolinguistics, we will also know how to use or apply good/polite language in our daily life. Beside that, in using language, it must have rules that we have to follow.  And also, we will know how a language can be and how the process or history of a language and it is a language So it is important to us will be here to make relationship to people in society. The study off sociolinguistic make us be intelligent, communicative to show every feeling by varieties of word

3.       What is the relation between language and society?
In society, there are so many people use different language each others.  By studying language we know the varieties of language in society. Every groups or communities  have their own characteristic of language. society is a group of people who have the same geographical or social territory and culture. With every gesture, intonation, word, dialect and also accent of language make them are famous. So that if we saw them we can identify who is them.  What are communities they are.  Well, in society it can not be said as society if they are not using language. So that they have strong relation to see how the society behavior, style, trends, word choice as our daily language to interact with people. We know what are bad and good language use by our society such our teacher, neighbour, parents say to us to not saying bad word. We know the meaning if we learn the language from people around us

4.       Please mention and explain the branches of linguistics!
The branch of linguistics :  
1.       PHONETICS : it is the study of human speech.  It is concerned with physical properties of speech sounds. Such as mouth, nose, lips,etc  are combined to made a sound.
2.       PHONOLOGY : it is the study of sound. How we recognize and produce the correct sound. It concerned about pattern of sound in human language
3.       MORPHOLOGY : It is the study about word structure. The pattern of grammar such as adding s/es in single or plural subject. Or adding ed in past participle.
4.       SYNTAX: After we study of word now we upgrade to new level. The structure of syntax. How we constructed the word to be phrase and phrase to be sentence.it concerned about using gramatical in part of speech such adjective, noun, verb, adverb in a sentence.
5.       SEMANTICS : It is the study about meaning. To analyze every sentence or word  meaning

5.       What is standar language ? giving an example
It is the language that often use in official situation (bahasa baku). Such when we are guide tourist from java or abroad. We use the language that they understand or change the word aktip to be aktif, blangko to be blanko. Another example from english, destination tobe destinasi

6.       Please elaboratig the language, dialect, and accent!
Language : is the method of human communication consist of spoken or written. How we use word to be structured with conventional way

Dialect : dialect is here come from every social group or region of each people. Such as in java people when they speak english say “open the door” to be “open de dour” . we can see dialect by the vocabulary and grammar.

Accent : it is how rising and lowing human voice such the differences batak and madura. British and america

7.       Giving an example of formal language and informal language!
Formal language usually happen in classroom activities, seminar, work interview, etc.
A : terimakasih saya ucapkan bapak dekan I yang telah hadir di acara seminar pendidikan pada pagi hari ini.
B: baiklah, dengan senang hati pak Rudi.

Informal language:
A: hai what’s up guys? Let go party tonight on my birtday yeeey!
B: Wooaa, happy birthday to you broo, I’m sorry I can not attend tonight. I need to accompany my grandmother in the hospital
A: you make me sad bro! But its oke. Hope your grandma get well soon yeah bro!

8.       What aspect of languaguage are sociolinguistic interested in?
1.       Regional and social dialect
2.       Accent -> pronounciation
3.       Dialect, idiolek
4.       Language variation
5.       Ethnographies
6.       Speech communities
7.       Code seitching and creoles
8.       Word and culture
9.       Solidarity
10.   GENDER
12.   REGION
13.   CLASS

9.       When two or more people from different language met and tried to communicate, what should they do?
a.       Pidgins :
Pidgins language is nobody's native language. it may arise when two speakers of different languages with no common language try to hold a conversation. Pidgins used in certain situation. Such as trade, colonisiation. Because of the different language they make a new language to understand each others.
Pidgins consist by simple word or language.
  When two people  met from different language. Pidgin is the simple language of vocabulary, grammar that often used in colonies,trade, so that they create new language. It is small language. When colonies want to buy something in indonesia . how many? Fiv tousend sir.

b.      Creole : Actually it het from pidgin itself. Sucha s trade communication as mother toung in a region Creoles is a language that was originally a pidgin but has become nativized, i.e. a community of speakers claims it as their first language. When they met. Such as papua and manado met, they have same mother tongue but a little differenches about the language’ using. Sam like betawi and ambon too.
c.       Lingua Franca: is bahasa pengantar. Such as bahasa indonesia is used to all region in indonesia such as in school, office, seminar, ceremony, etc. If they met they should use lingua franca in the events

10.   Why do people switch and mix a language?
It is the process of learn. We we want to learn new language we have to step by step changes our language. Code-switching is changing event from one code to another.  Include the utterence and sentences to change to other language. For example, at first someone uses Indonesian language, and then he/she switches into Javanese because his friend a javaness. So make each other understand. This event manifests in switch of regional, social, style variantion. second example in switching. When we met someone from our culture or etnict we easy to speak with them. We change our language if before we use indonesia language then when met someone else we switch it to minangness, malayness, etc.
Code-Mixing: The use of two or more language by putting in/inserting one language into other language consistently.  It just mix word or phrase.If the speaker mixes his/her code/language, then it must be asked who the speaker is: his/her social background, level of education, religion, etc. Such as: in english class, a students ask his friends “please accompany me to kamar mandi lah..” from these exemple we know there are two languages that has been used
 Second example, if we are in english class as a beginner to speak language we mix indonesia-english language in one sentence. The purpose of switch and mix is to make our interlucator understand what we said to them.

11.   Giving an example of code switching and code mixing?
Code switching:
A: agus, do you have pen?
B: no, i dont have but Melino have it
A: Mel, ang punyo peno
B: Ndak ado, patang alah ang ilang kan peno den

Code Mixing:
A: hello brother, you ikutlah kita nge-band di governor office tomorrow
B: No, gua lagi bad mood nih sama emak right now.
A: Better better lah sama your mother, be adult lah bro.


Language Variation

There are some varieties in language. Language variation is caused by the existence of social interaction activities conducted by a very diverse society or group and because of its non homogeneous speakers.
1.        Individual language variations
Everyone has their own idiolek. Idiolects are about "color" sound, word choice, language style, sentence structure, etc. The most dominant is the color of the sound, we can recognize the voice of someone we know just by hearing his voice
2.       Language’ using Variation
Language variations with respect to its users, the wearer or its function is called the function, the variety or the register. This variation is usually discussed in terms of areas of use, style, or degree of form and means of use. Language variation based on this field of use is related to the language it is used for what purpose or field. For example, the fields of literature, journalism, agriculture, military, sailing, education, etc.
3.       Frozen varieties
It is the most formal language variation, used in solemn and formal ceremonies. For example, in sermons, laws, notarial deeds, oaths, etc.
4.       The official varieties
It  is the variation of the language used in the state speeches, official meetings, lectures, textbooks, etc.
5.       The frienship varieties

It  is a variation of the language commonly used by the speakers whose hubngannya are familiar, such as between family members, or close friends. This variety uses incomplete language with vague articulations.

Rabu, 01 November 2017

SOCIOLINGUISTICS : Speech Communities


The definition of a speech community is a group of people who speak the same language and share the same dialect, words , and grammar rules of a language as a standard. These individuals also share the understanding of at least one language so that they may communicate with each other.
Membership in a speech community includes local knowledge of the way language choice, variation, and discourse represents generation, occupation, politics, social relationships, identity, etc
 Example: in transgender communities, they use particular vocabulary such as “akika” to change the word “aku” and “begindang” to change the word “begitu”. When they making transaction, “berapose” that means “berapa” or to say “benar” by saying “ember”

In Speech communities, there are:
a.       Intersecting communities: language that used from communities such as like we know people is baliness, batakness, sundaness by looking their word, accent, intonation and also dialect.
b.      Network and repertoire:  it is show that a person can be part of various speech communities by an interaction in network and repertoires is various language variotion that have got from network.

Factors of social communities:
People are separ­ated from one another by fine gradations of social class, regional origin, and occupation; by factors such as religion, sex, nationality, and ethnicity; by psy­chological differences such as particular kinds of linguistic skills, e.g., verbality or literacy; and by characteristics of personality.

1.      Is slang include of speech communities?
Answer: Yes, it is. Because slang is created from communities and it expand to be an informal language for some country that they often use slang in their communities.

2.      Is it possible one speech communities used by the other communities?
Answer: yes, it is possible. But it can be a good or bad word, if the user use it correctly and know that meaning.

3.      Why speech communities exist?
Answer: to make the people in community are enjoyable to interact each other and to  improve their language abilities that used in social activities.