
Sabtu, 16 Desember 2017



Ethnographic Communicationis an approach to analyze a discourse used. This approach focuses on various communicative competences in the speech communities
The interaction that takes place between a market trader and a buyer at any given time by using language as a communication tool is a speech event. The same thing happens and we find in discussions, in the lecture hall, office meetings in the office, court hearings, and so on.
It is related to the concept of speech events, Hymes suggests the factors that mark the occurrence of the event said. These factors are called the famous term as speech component. According to Hymes, there are about sixteen or seventeen speech components from which some components can be combined because they overlap. To facilitate how to remember the formulation or shortened by SPEAKING, such as:

Situation (Setting and Scene), refers to place

Participants, refers to people in communication area

 Ends, refers to the purpose

 Act Sequences, refers to formed word shape and content

 Key (Instruments), refers to intonation, strees, spirit when talking

 Instrumentalities (Tools) ,inculedes lisan or tulisan, by phone, etc

 Norms (Rules), Related to how to interrupt, how to ask questions, and so on

Genres (Form of discourse). Such as poetry, naration, pepatah, doa ,etc

What is speech events?
A speech event is an activity of linguistic interaction in one form of speech or more involving two parties, ie speakers and answering opponents, with a single subject, in time, place, and situation (Chaer, 2010: 47). In other words, it can not be said that in every communication process there must be also a speech event or a language event.

Example of Ends?
End happens when The speech occurring in the courtroom aims to resolve a case; but the participants in the speech event had a different purpose. The prosecutor wanted to prove the defendant's defendant, the defense tried to prove that the defendant was innocent, while the judge tried to make a fair decision.

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