
Senin, 30 Mei 2016



A. What is Applied Linguistics?
Applied Linguistics is concerned with the systematic study of language structure, the acquisition of first and subsequent languages, the role of language in communication, and the status of language as the product of particular cultures and other social groups.

Applied Linguistics:
Examines the structure of language and its role in communication
Explores how children acquire language
Studies how the skills of second-language speakers develop
Investigates how the social or cultural environment interacts with language

Well, here we go... we will learn about one of applied linguistics J

A.    The meaning of Language Acquisition
Language acquisition is The development of language in children.

Language acquisition divided into two:
Language acquisition divided into two:
·         pemerolehan bahasa pertama 
=>Pemerolehan bahasa pertama berkaitan dengan segala aktivitas seseorang dalam menguasai bahasa ibunya.
·         pemerolehan bahasa keduasecond language acquisition
=>Pemerolehan bahasa kedua berlangsung setelah seseorang menguasai atau mempelajari bahasa pertama.

B.     According to Expert
Menurut para expert didalam bukunya:
Henry Guntur Tarigan (1995:4), “learning a language at home ”
(Harding & Riley, 1986:21) untutored or naturalistic acquisition ”
(Ellis, 1987:5), learning a language at school ” atau “tutored or classroom acquisition ”.

Para pakar tersebut sependapat bahwa pengajaran bahasa secara alamiah disebut pemerolehan bahasa (language acquisition) dan pengajaran bahasa secara ilmiah disebut pemelajaran bahasa (language learning). Mereka yang beranggapan bahwa pengajaran  bahasa secara informal tidak sama dengan pengajaran bahasa secara formal memberikan argumentasi sebagai berikut:
·         Bahasa informal: tidak berencana, kebetulan, tidak disengaja, dan tidak disadari.
·         Bahasa formal : berdasarkan perencanaan yang matang, disengaja, dan di disadari.

Dari gambaran diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemerolehan bahasa (language acquisition) diperoleh melalui pendidikan informal yaitu pedidikan yang didapat dirumah atau dipelajari secara alamiah dengan tidak direncanakan dan tidak disengaja bisa dengan sendirinya dengan tidak disadari. Sementara, pemelajaran bahasa didapat dengan melalui pendidikan formal tentunya dengan cara direncanakan dan disengaja dan juga disadari.

Actually, first language acquisition needs interaction to communicate naturally by gradual phases based on the early child’s cognitive level and language system such as syntaxes, fonetics, morphology and pragmatics by doing imitation of the utterances.
Based on the experts on how the children learn first language, the acquisition of first language comes through listening and speaking. So, in learning second language is also focused on listening initially, then speaking.

In this case, children try to express their mother tongue into ungrammatical rules because they still hear from people say and imitate them. For example, people who born in Java. First language, Javanese, which they heard is first language and Indonesian as second language. 
It means that first language acquisition study about mother tongue or native language whereas second language acquisition study about additional language.

Language acquisition is the process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. First language acquisition is the ability of human to acquire their mother tongue from their early age. There are four theories to describe the process of children in understanding and practicing their first language, behaviorist/imitation,innateness, cognitive, interaction.
The significance of first language acquisition for children are to express needs and get what they want, used to tell others what to do, and  tell stories and to create an imaginary situation.

C.     Why do I choose language acquisition?
Saya tertarik terhadap anak- anak, saya ingin tahu bagaimana anak tersebut bisa memperoleh bahasanya. Terutama bahasa ibu terhadap anaknya, dan bagaimana anak tersebut mengembangkan pengetahuannya tentang struktur dan pola kebiasaan ibunya.
Sebagai contoh, suatu problem yang dihadapi anak-anak yang Bahasa pertamanya bahasa Jawa dalam belajar bahasa Indonesia. Ia mulai memasuki pendidikan formal di sekolah dasar ketika usia 6 atau 7 tahun, saat dimana mereka telah menguasai dengan baik pola bahasa pertama mereka bahasa Jawa. Perbedaan ini menjadi penghambat dalam proses belajar bahasa Indonesia, baik dalam bidang fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, mapun leksikon. Dalam bidang fonologi, bahasa Jawa memiliki ciri khas memanjangkan bunyi, kurang lugas sebagaimana bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu terkadang dalam bahasa Jawa terdapat perubahan bunyi huruf “I” ke huruf yang hampir menyerupai bunyi huruf “e” Contoh:
            Tidak tahu                   dilafalkan                    [tidakk ta↑hu↓]
            Kipas angin                  dilafalkan                    [kipas angen]
Dari contoh tersebut saya semakin dan juga ingin mendalaminya terutama dalam  bidang kajian memperoleh bahasa inggris.
Itulah mengenai Language Acquisition, semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Aamiin..


Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016


Hallo everyone. 

Thank for open this site and we meet again. in this paper, i would like to show about my comment in my friends blog. the comment about an introduction to linguistics. because in my class we determine my specialist.. example, i am specialist Syntax.. you can see my page in my blog on syntax. there are many comment and suggestion from my friends to me. so that i know what is my flaws . oke check this out! :)

 The best 17 comments and suggestions to my friends
in this second semester

Phonology's blog

Morphology's blog


Syntax's blog

Lexicology's blog


Semantics's blog

15. DELA


thanks for reading :)



Hello everyone... In this paper I would like to introducing my class in ECC (English Conversation Class) in My Faculty Teachers Training and Education. It is Blogging for Fun. This class is very new because Only in this second semester, it is opened. ECC has so many class there are: blogging for fun, paper presentation, on stage, debate, reguler conversation and dance. ECC has many benefits for me. It make my Saturday be colorful, i met with some people from another class, semester and department such as Biology and Paud student.

Every Saturday we met in blogging for fun class , with Miss Jusma. She is clever and friendly. Her voice is softly and elegant. The first meeting blogging for fun devided into three, there are writing, drama, and blogging. So we are collaborate each other. But miss jusma has been left. It is so sad we didn’t see her to teach blogging again. And then , this class has manageble by Mr.Budi Hammudin, my lecturer that very dilligent to given us to blogging every weekJ but, everyone like him because he is so friendly also give us tips and motivation to improve our skill in blogging. And he had given some story that make people laugh, he has so many stories that can be lesson for us. So, it can make the blogging class will be interesting and fun.

So, Blogging for Fun class is so amazing. Because it is make me to improve our skiil to writing, thinking, and not gaptek hehe... i loved this class... i hope this blogging class will be in the next semester. Let’s improve our skill in english with blogging for fun class guysJ

Kamis, 19 Mei 2016



First, I like parking place in here because I can see my motorcycle from a distance. The parking place is bewray and large square-shaped. So, I can easily to get a parking spot and easy to find my friends there. Then, the floor of the parking place is paving block so that if it’s raining my shoes does nott wet. Moreover, I like when raining people in fkip unilak ran to the parking lot to take their helmet, I look them so funny, They ask permission to lecturer every time it’s raining. you know what, the parking place in FKIP doesn’t has roof hehe…

Second, I like collegians in my faculty. They wear dress like as teacher, neat and nothing looks messy. They are so friendly and great each other. Especially the seniors aren’t arrogant and and like to talk about life in campus. And then my classmate are funny, clever and care for others if any of our friend who are sick, we are going to see  with a covey together. Then, when we are learning we are not each other down, we are learning together with a peace.

Third, I like the lecturers. They are have a different character and also different way to teach their collegians. They are know how to make collegians relaxing with some jokes and many stories that interesting. Now, the lecturer that I like right now is Mr.Budi Hammudin, he is has interesting ways to teaching. At the beginning he make collegians laugh with his story.

Forth, I like classroom. FKIP Unilak has much room that is used for English student, Biology student, and Paud student. The classroom is equipped with chair that is good quality and so confortable. It is different with my chair in senior high school, we are sit with separate. And here, there is more or less three electric fans. I like sit near it.

Fifth, I like the administration room. In there available much snack, drink, and food like fried rice. If I feel hungry, I come to there. And it is also we can see lecturers. They are so friendly. And happy to hear some jokes in there. And if you are there, you feel cool, yeaah.. that is the best place if the weater is hot.

Hmm yeah… I think enough guys, I am happy in here… I like being in my faculty… so, if you want to continue your study… FKIP UNILAK is the best choice J

Senin, 09 Mei 2016



A. Definition of Semantic

Semantics berasal  bahasa Yunani Sema (Nomina) ‘tanda’: atau dari verba samaino ‘menandai’, ‘berarti’. Istilah tersebut digunakan oleh para pakar bahasa untuk menyebut bagian ilmu bahasa yang mempelajari makna. Semantik (semantics) adalah cabang linguistik yang meneliti arti atau makna. Makna yang diteliti oleh semantik itu adalah makna bebas konteks. Makna itu ada yang bersifat leksikal dan ada yang gramatikal.
Saeed (2003:3) , “Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language.”
Hurford dan Heasley (1983:1), "Semantics is the study of meaning in Language."
Palmer (1976:1), "Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning, and since meaning is a part of language, semantics is a part of linguistics."

Pada bidang linguistic, semantics secara umum diartikan sebagai study dari arti atau makna dan anggapan yang terkait dalam bahasa, sedangkan secara logika atau nalar, semantic dianggap sebagai reference atau petunjuk linguistic dan kondisi sebenarnya dalam bahasa.
Deskripsi semantic dalam hakikat kebahasaan harus mencatat fakta dari suatu arti atau makna, linguistic reference, dan pada keadaan yang sebenarnya.
The semantic analysis, generally, must explain how the sentences of a particular language are understood, interpreted, and related to states, processes and objects in the world.

B. Types of Semantics

1. Connotative Semantic
When a word suggests a set of associations, or it is an imaginative or emotional suggestion connected with the words, while readers can relate to such associations. Simply, it represents figurative meaning. Usually poets use this type of meaning in their poetry.

2. Denotative Semantic
It suggests the literal, explicit or dictionary meanings of the words without using associated meanings. It also uses symbols in writing that suggest expressions of writers such as an exclamation mark, quotation mark, apostrophe, colon, and quotation mark etc.

C. Synonym, Antonym, Polysemy.


Synonyms are different words which have the same meaning, or almost the same meaning.
The words stones and rocks are synonyms. 
Synonyms can be nouns, verbs, adverbs or adjectives, as long as both are the same part of speech.

For example:
- chair and seat (nouns)
- go and leave (verbs)
- quickly and rapidly (adverbs)
- long and extended (adjectives)

A word can have more than one synonym depending on which meaning you use for the word.
For example:
- expired could have the synonym no longer fresh, if you mean milk that's past its sale date.
- expired could have the synonym dead, if you mean no longer alive.

Antonyms are words which have opposite meanings. 
The words hot and cold are antonyms. So are up and down, and short and tall. 
A word can have more than one antonym, depending on which meaning you use for the word.

For example:
- short could have the antonym tall if you are referring to a person's height.
- short could have the antonym long if you are referring to to the length of something.


Polysemy  is an intimidating compound noun for a basic language feature. This happens when a lexeme acquires a wider range of meanings.


a small burrowing mammal
e.g. A Mole burrows for information hoping to go undetected.

a financial institution

a bound collection of pages
e.g. "Unable to book a hotel room, a man sneaked into a nearby private residence where police arrested him and later booked him for unlawful entry."

The verb milk (e.g. "he's milking it for all he can get") derives from the process of obtaining milk.

a piece of a tree
a geographical area with many trees
an erection

a bird
a type of construction equipment

D. Function of Semantics

The purpose of semantic is to propose exact meanings of the words and phrases and remove confusion, which might lead the readers to believe a word has many possible meanings. It makes a relationship between a word and the sentence through their meanings. Besides, semantic enables the readers to explore a sense of the meaning, because if we remove or change the place of a single word from the sentence, it will change the entire meanings.


Rabu, 04 Mei 2016


What ?  A thesis? About what? Hehe...
I found a thesis in my library at My University, so many thesis we could find there... :)
Why I am interested to find thesis? What is special? Hehe..
So, I went to library to found thesis that is connecting with our study “an introduction to linguistics”
Finally, i am excited to post in my blog... hehe...
Are you curious? Okee this is it...:)

alright guys, it is a thesis that i choose, because the content coherent with morphome especially preffix and suffixes (awalan dan akhiran).

so, how about prefixes and suffixes in minangnese language of painan dialect ?
you know guys Painan? it is a part of west sumatera , one of popular place  in there is Carocok Beach, it is a beautiful place to vacation...hehe...

so , what is the formulation of the research?

and then this is prefixes and suffixes:

Last,  the conclusion of the research :

well, guys it is that all I share to you, I hope it is be useful for you... and be inspiration if you want to write a thesis... oke see you guys :)

Selasa, 03 Mei 2016


Assalamualaikum wr.wb good time everyone .. so let we study about the lexicology in this oppurtunity... have fun 

Definition Of Lexicology
Lexicology adalah ilmu/studi mengenai bentuk, sejarah dan arti kata-kata.
menurut bahasa lexicology berasal dari kata lexicon yang berarti: kamus, mu'jam atau istilah dari sebuah ilmu.
Menurut istilah, leksikologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari seluk beluk makna/arti kosakata yang telah termuat atau akan dimuat di dalam kamus.
Lexicology studies word formation,semasiology, etymological characteristicsof words, phraseological units,lexicography and so on
General and Special Lexicology
The general study of words and vocabulary, irrespective of the spe­cific features of any particular language, is known as general lexicology. .
Special lexiсоlоgу devotes its attention to the des­cription of the characteristic peculiarities in the vocabulary of a given language.
Lexicology deals with the vocabulary and characteristic features of words and word-groups ;

  • Ø  The term “vocabulary” is used to denote the system of
  • words and word-groups that the language possesses.
  • Ø  The term “word” denotes the main lexical unit of a
  • language resulting from the association of a group ofsounds with a meaning.
  • Ø  The term ‘word group” denotes a group of words
  • which exists in the language as a ready-made unit, has
  • the unity of meaning, the unity of syntactical function.

According to the theorotical basis of the vocabularies of different languages there are three types of them:
1.      Historical lexicology
 deals with the historic change of words in the course of language development.
2.      Descriptive lexicology
deals with the vocabulary of a given language at a period of time.
3.      Contrastive lexicology
 studies languages from the point of view of their identity and differentation.

Word-Formation and Word-Classes in Lexicology

Word formation these can be summarised as follows:
Suffixation: man+ly = manly
Preffixation : un+true = untrue
Affixation : dis+taste+ful =distasteful

We add prefixes before the base or stem of a word.
mono- means ‘one’
multi- means ‘many’
post- means ‘after’
un- means ‘not’ or ‘opposite to’
See also:

We add suffixes after the base or stem of a word. The main purpose of a suffix is to show what class of word it is (e.g. noun or adjective).

-ism and -dom are used to form nouns
-er and -or are used to form nouns to describe people who do things
widen, simplify
-en and -ify are used to form verbs
-able is used to form adjectives
-ly is a common suffix used to form adverbs

Typical word-class suffixes
A suffix can often, but not always, tell us if a word is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb:

The importance of English lexicology is based not on the size of its vocabulary, however big it is, but on the fact that at present it is the world’s most widely used language.
So, lexicology as a branch of linguistics has its own aims and methods of scientific research, its basic task being the study and systematic description of the vocabulary of some particular language in respect to its origin, development and current use. Hence lexicology investigates words, word-groups, word-equivalents and morphemes which make up words.


An Introduction to Linguistics , Loretto Todd