
Senin, 02 Mei 2016


Pengertian Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense menerangkan tentang suatu kejadian dimasa lampau yang telah selesai saat itu juga, sebelum kejadian masa lampau lainnya terjadi.

Rumus Past Perfect Tense:
(+) S + Had + V3 
(-)  S + Had + Not + V3
(?) Had + S + V3

Example :
(+)She had gone to Amsterdam 

(-)She had not gone to Amsterdam 

(?)Had she gone to Amsterdam ?

explanation about past perfect:

well guys, after you understand about past perfect tense, please check this website to do exercise, it will be fun :D


I.                   Use the simple past or past perfect to complete the sentence.

1.      Sam (be) ....... a newspaper reporter before he (become) ..... a businessman.
Answer: had been, became

2.      I (see,never)...... any of picasso painting before I (visit)..... the art museum.
Answer: had never seen, visitted

II.                 Complete the sentence with your own word.
1.      My..... after I had already....
Answer: my brother had gone to school after I had already to ate.

2.      When I....., someone else had already...
Answer: When I got finished my work, someone else had alrady eaten.


English Grammar Third Edition, Betty Schrampfer Azar

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