
Senin, 09 Mei 2016



A. Definition of Semantic

Semantics berasal  bahasa Yunani Sema (Nomina) ‘tanda’: atau dari verba samaino ‘menandai’, ‘berarti’. Istilah tersebut digunakan oleh para pakar bahasa untuk menyebut bagian ilmu bahasa yang mempelajari makna. Semantik (semantics) adalah cabang linguistik yang meneliti arti atau makna. Makna yang diteliti oleh semantik itu adalah makna bebas konteks. Makna itu ada yang bersifat leksikal dan ada yang gramatikal.
Saeed (2003:3) , “Semantics is the study of meaning communicated through language.”
Hurford dan Heasley (1983:1), "Semantics is the study of meaning in Language."
Palmer (1976:1), "Semantics is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning, and since meaning is a part of language, semantics is a part of linguistics."

Pada bidang linguistic, semantics secara umum diartikan sebagai study dari arti atau makna dan anggapan yang terkait dalam bahasa, sedangkan secara logika atau nalar, semantic dianggap sebagai reference atau petunjuk linguistic dan kondisi sebenarnya dalam bahasa.
Deskripsi semantic dalam hakikat kebahasaan harus mencatat fakta dari suatu arti atau makna, linguistic reference, dan pada keadaan yang sebenarnya.
The semantic analysis, generally, must explain how the sentences of a particular language are understood, interpreted, and related to states, processes and objects in the world.

B. Types of Semantics

1. Connotative Semantic
When a word suggests a set of associations, or it is an imaginative or emotional suggestion connected with the words, while readers can relate to such associations. Simply, it represents figurative meaning. Usually poets use this type of meaning in their poetry.

2. Denotative Semantic
It suggests the literal, explicit or dictionary meanings of the words without using associated meanings. It also uses symbols in writing that suggest expressions of writers such as an exclamation mark, quotation mark, apostrophe, colon, and quotation mark etc.

C. Synonym, Antonym, Polysemy.


Synonyms are different words which have the same meaning, or almost the same meaning.
The words stones and rocks are synonyms. 
Synonyms can be nouns, verbs, adverbs or adjectives, as long as both are the same part of speech.

For example:
- chair and seat (nouns)
- go and leave (verbs)
- quickly and rapidly (adverbs)
- long and extended (adjectives)

A word can have more than one synonym depending on which meaning you use for the word.
For example:
- expired could have the synonym no longer fresh, if you mean milk that's past its sale date.
- expired could have the synonym dead, if you mean no longer alive.

Antonyms are words which have opposite meanings. 
The words hot and cold are antonyms. So are up and down, and short and tall. 
A word can have more than one antonym, depending on which meaning you use for the word.

For example:
- short could have the antonym tall if you are referring to a person's height.
- short could have the antonym long if you are referring to to the length of something.


Polysemy  is an intimidating compound noun for a basic language feature. This happens when a lexeme acquires a wider range of meanings.


a small burrowing mammal
e.g. A Mole burrows for information hoping to go undetected.

a financial institution

a bound collection of pages
e.g. "Unable to book a hotel room, a man sneaked into a nearby private residence where police arrested him and later booked him for unlawful entry."

The verb milk (e.g. "he's milking it for all he can get") derives from the process of obtaining milk.

a piece of a tree
a geographical area with many trees
an erection

a bird
a type of construction equipment

D. Function of Semantics

The purpose of semantic is to propose exact meanings of the words and phrases and remove confusion, which might lead the readers to believe a word has many possible meanings. It makes a relationship between a word and the sentence through their meanings. Besides, semantic enables the readers to explore a sense of the meaning, because if we remove or change the place of a single word from the sentence, it will change the entire meanings.


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